"[A] spirited piece of family theatre… a fun and funny show which will likely be enjoyed by adults as much as by youngsters… The Tuesday Afternoon Regulars is worth a visit any day of the week!"
— Valdosta Daily Times
The Tuesday Afternoon Regulars
Book by Joseph Robinette • Music by Thomas Tierney • Lyrics by Robinette & Tierney
One Act • 2 women, 3 men (up 4 women, 5 men)
Five middle-school students affectionately, and somewhat wryly, call themselves "The Tuesday Afternoon Regulars" since they often find themselves in detention, perhaps on purpose, at that time each week. Though individually quite different, they all have a common goal: to drop out of school. On this particular Tuesday, the assistant principal (who is the detention supervisor) has long since despaired of his ability to reach the students, so he sets a plan into motion that is at once inspired, surprising, and perhaps life-altering for the students. With generous amounts of humor mixed with drama and poignancy, The Tuesday Afternoon Regulars is a sometimes tough, often tender, and definitely tuneful trip into the dreams, hopes, and fears of six adolescents who are nearing important crossroads in their early lives.