"The Fabulous Fable Factory is a fun-paced, lively show full of life, exuberance, and zesty characters. The show is sure to please your audiences as well as provide an exciting piece of storytelling for your student artists."
— Erik N D'Esterre | Community School of Davidson, Davidson, N.C.
The Fabulous Fable Factory
Book by Joseph Robinette • Music by Thomas Tierney • Lyrics by Robinette & Tierney
One Act • 9 actors
Monroe wanders into a seemingly abandoned factory and accidentally trips a lever that activates the factory "machinery," an assembly line of seven actors who create fabulous fables. Then he meets the factory owner, a Mr. Aloysius A. Aesop, who explains that the factory has been idle for over 2,000 years because of a missing part. Mr. Aesop introduces Monroe to the machinery. Among them are Straucy, the Story Starter; Pluto, the Plot Plotter; Wadsworth, the Word Worker; and Gretel, the Grammar Guardian. The factory proceeds to create and enact stories that become official fables when Monroe himself surprises everyone by supplying the morals.