A depiction of the development of Einstein as a scientist and clearly explains — in a most unusual song and dance number — the supposedly impossible-to-comprehend theory of relativity.
The Amazing Einstein
Book by Jules Tasca • Music by Thomas Tierney • Lyrics by Ted Drachman
One Act • 2 women, 3 men with doubling (up to 8 women, 18m plus extras)
This award-winning musical traces the life of Albert Einstein from his early days in German schools to his escape from the Nazis. It depicts the development of Einstein as a scientist and clearly explains — in a most unusual song and dance number — the supposedly impossible-to-comprehend theory of relativity. The primary conflict is the struggle in Einstein’s mind between his anti-war beliefs and those around him who would use scientific discoveries to develop ever more powerful weapons of destruction. In the end, we see the conflict played out and we realize that Einstein’s plight is that of all good men when confronted with evil.